Farewell! ... SPBD Munda

Dear Team,
As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to working with SPDB. Today I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for being a great team to work with all this one year. I want to take a few minutes today to convey my thoughts in being part of your team for the last one year.
I would especially like to thank all of my managers both past and present. I place my special thanks the wonderful Mr Krishnan Narasimhan(UNCDF) who guided and motivated to apply for SPBD post. Thanks to former GM SPBD Mr Muralidhar who gave me a wonderful opportunity to work here.
In my career I worked with the different organisation in different places for longer term, but although work with SPBD Munda was for only one year, it was a very rewarding career. I remember when getting the offer letter I was very tensed, with this new opportunity as I was coming from a totally different field, with no experience in Micro financing . As per my Wife suggestion I took an online course from UN micro finances which was of great support for my work here. Also the experiences shared by my father and mother as being clients of microfinance organization in India for 13 years was very helpful in my job especially in understanding the needs of the clients.
SPBD Honiara gave the task and opportunity for the 1st Branch expansion to Western Province in Munda branch. We worked on identifying location, conducting training, creating groups & clients, loan disbursement and repayment. During the starting phase there were many challenges in punctuality of meetings, maintaining relationship of the clients in a group as there were people from different tribes and races in a group. Another challenge was to deal with clients whose literacy level is very low. Reaching out to the remote islands of of Roviana, Sasavele, Baraulu, Rendova, Nusa hope and kohingo of Munda was also a challenge for team as the CM’s have to take the sea route to reach these islands, where most of the time they have to face rough weather. But overcoming all the hurdles our team successfully completed the target set by the Bank for 2016. Munda branch reached to 1200 clients, which means 1200 families. These 1200 clients gave love and care to support growth of SPBD Munda. Our Munda branch succeeds because of the hardwork of our Clients, CM and back office staff.
A Livelihood Training Program in sewing & fashion design making and fish preservation method workshop for the clients was organized by us and it was very helpful to our clients for they can start new business opportunity. Our clients business increased and market demand increased and they got linked to bigger unit. This helped our clients to sell more quantity produce and sell with in short period, which in turn increased the income and savings of Munda Branch. Munda Branch also encouraged clients to taken one plant with each loan as a contribution to help protect the environment by planting more trees. For our target and goal achievement we used football game strategy. For all our managers the favourite game being football they know very well the game rules and regulations. Our CM and staff very easily understand and show the game spirit to easily target the goals. Our forward player's are our Central managers Mr Anderson, Mr Pride, Mr Jeffery, Mr Ruday, Mr Campbell, Mr Natahn, Mr, Anuka, Mr Silas and our goalkeeper Mr Marlon and Boat driver Mr Michel. Finance and operation guidance by Honiara staff Mr Legu, Miss. Edith, Finance Head Mr Ronald and GM Mr Zinnur. I have been extremely satisfied with my work at SPBD; working with you all has been learning and an enjoyable experience. I will miss your enthusiasm, perseverance, and the ‘never say die’ spirit. I thank you for all your support throughout and hope you continue to extend your cooperation to the current leadership teams and the succeeding manager. I wish you all, my fellow partners and everyone in the larger SPBD family, all the very best. I thank you for your support and encouragement during this one year.
However, I feel that it is time for me to move on to new opportunities. This decision was not an easy one and it took a lot of consideration. I think this decision is in the best interests towards fulfilling my career goals.
Also, I would like to thank you again, SPBD and all others for the help and guidance during all these years of my employment, and would like to extend my best wishes to the entire group.


SPBD Branch Head
