Our Tuna Our Wealth Our Future, World Tuna Day Noro, Solomon Islands.

“In Pacific countries Tuna is part of our daily lives. It is more than a business to a way of life.” We know that Tuna is world’s most popular food. But did you know that on May 2nd  world’s  tuna fishing industry and fishing institutes took a holiday and celebrate World Tuna Day? Many countries depend heavily on tuna resources for food security and nutrition, economic development, employment, government revenue, livelihoods, culture and recreation. Two main products drive tuna production; traditional canned tuna and sashimi/sushi. For the purpose of Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), an entity that maintains the world’s largest sustainable tuna fishery. The PNA manages tuna fishing to protect the environment. Though the day is marked by celebrations with dancing, songs, speeches and competitions in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, World Tuna Day not just as a day of appreciation, but to educate the world about the importance of tuna to economies, livelihoods, and food security. The economic impact of tuna in the Pacific islands is critical. Tuna fisheries and its linkages to sustainable development of the small pacific island developing states. Total catch of tuna in the region is about 3 million tonnes, representing 60 percent of the world’s tuna supplies and valued at more than $5 billion. The Solomon Islands tuna catch is about 150,000 tonnes annuallly. About 30,000 tonnes of this tuna is processed locally at SolTuna.

Talk about Solomon Islands Tuna we cannot go without talk about Soltuna Cannery Noro. Soltuna cannery that much influences the country people. Soltuna is the only cannery in the Solomon Islands and has the highest certification in the pacific region, it certification includes HACCP, BRC,MSC, Halal, Kosher and EU approval. Soltuna Cannery did in this region business oriented community services and Developments. SolTuna’s production is exported to regional markets, the European Union and is an important supplier to the Solomon Islands domestic market. SolTuna supplies over 30 million cans of tuna each year to the Solomon Islands market. With a population of more than 500,000, that’s over 60 cans per person. My guess is 90% Solomon tasted and more 70% people daily and weekly consumption can products. Same time it’s very interesting they said about more 20 years can be products are same flavor and taste and good deemed the national and international market.

The Solomon Islands have biggest celebration of World Tuna Day in the Pacific, with several thousand people attending each year. Around 2500 Solomon Islanders are employed by SolTuna and NFD in Noro, and many of them will be seen in the company parade. These days different village communities and tribes all gather to come and celebrate, signifying that we are one and depend on the sea and the tuna and pass this message to the the future generation. Celebrations will feature traditional and modern dancing and music, a secondary school speech competition, local Bamboo Bands & a music song competition, activities for children, information stalls and speeches from government and industry representatives.

Tuna and marine ecosystem is very close to the life. This is a opportunity to raise awareness of the fact that this incredible species is currently one of the most badly managed fish in the ocean. If you eat tuna, ensure that you have sources it from a sustainable source, MSC-certified tuna. We need focusing on the central theme “Talk Tuna, Fish Tuna, Eat Tuna, Atun-Ability for Manageability and Sustainability” Tuna.

#OurTuna #OurWealth #OurFuture #SaveOurOceans!

Please below the World Tuna Day Noro Pictures:


  1. prof premraj pushpakaran writes --let us celebrate world tuna day!!!


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