SPBD Munda branch gave one seedling of Teak and other variety plants to the newly joined clients during their first loan disbursement. Preserving our environment forests play a vital role in helping sustain life on Earth.

Why trees, and why so many. 

While they are growing, trees use sunlight to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store it as carbon in the form of wood.

Farmers can use the trees for firewood, livestock fodder, crop protection, medicine and shade, and can earn extra income from sales. Farmers know they are making a good investment, which is important. One of the fastest growing is Teak tree in the world. Grows from Ten feet to Twelve feet in just one year. Grows to a height of Fifty to Sixty feet in the Sixth year. Grows even in arid soil and adverse climatic conditions. Is a Nitrogen fixing plant, fertilizes the soil, prevents soil erosion and used as a wind breaker on peripheries. Is useful for Furniture and Cabinet making and also for industrial and construction purposes. Is used for particle board manufacturing- used for best quality pulp for manufacturing Kraft paper. 

This opportunity is granted to SPBD Munda branch Members to support them in environment conservation and consequently income generation.

Rendova Habour village chief Danil Zouri said that he will donate five hundred plants within few month to support this program of SPBD Munda.

Photo. Fawcett - kay village with a teak plant for the first loan disbursement.
